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The circumcenter of mass is a concept that can be defined by analogy with one of the the constructions for the geometric centroid for the case of polygons. The geometric ...
Spinor fields describing particles of zero rest mass satisfy the so-called zero rest mass equations. Examples of zero rest mass particles include the neutrino (a fermion) and ...
A two-dimensional planar closed surface L which has a mass M and a surface density sigma(x,y) (in units of mass per areas squared) such that M=int_Lsigma(x,y)dxdy. The center ...
The finite zeros of the derivative r^'(z) of a nonconstant rational function r(z) that are not multiple zeros of r(z) are the positions of equilibrium in the field of force ...
The centroid is center of mass of a two-dimensional planar lamina or a three-dimensional solid. The mass of a lamina with surface density function sigma(x,y) is ...
In particle physics, a spinor field of order 2s describes a particle of spin s, where s is an integer or half-integer. Therefore, a spinor of order 4s contains as much ...
A triple integral is a three-fold multiple integral of the form intintintf(x,y,z)dxdydz. Triple integrals arise in evaluating quantities such as the mass, volume, moment, ...
The Burridge-Knopoff model is a system of differential equations used to model earthquakes using n points on a straight line, each of mass m, that interact with each other ...
The moment of inertia with respect to a given axis of a solid body with density rho(r) is defined by the volume integral I=intrho(r)r__|_^2dV, (1) where r__|_ is the ...
A positive number k such that a lamina or solid body with moment of inertia about an axis I and mass m is given by I=mk^2. Pickover (1995) defines a generalization of k as a ...
