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The cycloid is the locus of a point on the rim of a circle of radius a rolling along a straight line. It was studied and named by Galileo in 1599. Galileo attempted to find ...
The involute of the cycloid x = a(t-sint) (1) y = a(1-cost) (2) is given by x_i = a(t+sint) (3) y_i = a(3+cost). (4) As can be seen in the above figure, the involute is ...
The evolute of the cycloid x(t) = a(t-sint) (1) y(t) = a(1-cost) (2) is given by x(t) = a(t+sint) (3) y(t) = a(cost-1). (4) As can be seen in the above figure, the evolute is ...
The catacaustic of one arch of a cycloid given parametrically as x = t-sint (1) y = 1-cost (2) is a complicated expression for an arbitrary radiant point. For the case of the ...
The path traced out by a fixed point at a radius b>a, where a is the radius of a rolling circle, also sometimes called an extended cycloid. The prolate cycloid contains ...
A curtate cycloid, sometimes also called a contracted cycloid, is the path traced out by a fixed point at a radius b<a, where a is the radius of a rolling circle. Curtate ...
The evolute of the prolate cycloid x = at-bsint (1) y = a-bcost (2) (with b>a) is given by x = a[t+((bcost-a)sint)/(acost-b)] (3) y = (a(a-bcost)^2)/(b(acost-b)). (4)
The evolute of the curtate cycloid x = at-bsint (1) y = a-bcost (2) (with b<a) is given by x = (a[-2bt+2atcost-2asint+bsin(2t)])/(2(acost-b)) (3) y = ...
The radial curve of the cycloid with parametric equations x = a(t-sint) (1) y = a(1-cost) (2) is the circle x_r = x_0+2asint (3) y_r = -2a+y_0+2acost. (4)
The polar curve r=1+2cos(2theta) (1) that can be used for angle trisection. It was devised by Ceva in 1699, who termed it the cycloidum anomalarum (Loomis 1968, p. 29). It ...
