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If three skew lines all meet three other skew lines, any transversal to the first set of three meets any transversal to the second set of three.
A one-dimensional line segment where two two-dimensional faces of an n-dimensional polytope meet, also called a side.
A 3-coloring of graph edges so that no two edges of the same color meet at a graph vertex (Ball and Coxeter 1987, pp. 265-266).
If the trilinear polars of the polygon vertices of a triangle are distinct from the respectively opposite sides, they meet the sides in three collinear points.
A cusp is a point at which two branches of a curve meet such that the tangents of each branch are equal. The above plot shows the semicubical parabola curve x^3-y^2=0, which ...
The central point (r=0) in polar coordinates, or the point with all zero coordinates (0, ..., 0) in Cartesian coordinates. In three dimensions, the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis ...
On the Clebsch diagonal cubic, all 27 of the complex lines present on a general smooth cubic surface are real. In addition, there are 10 points on the surface where three of ...
A submodule N of a module M that is not the intersection of two submodules of M in which it is properly contained. In other words, for all submodules N_1 and N_2 of M, N=N_1 ...
Consider a reference triangle DeltaABC and any given point P. The perpendiculars to AP, BP and CP respectively meet BC, AC and AB in three collinear points defining line l. ...
The polyhedron compound of the icosahedron (U_(22)) and the great dodecahedron (U_(35)), sometimes known as the small cid. Four faces meet at each edge of the small complex ...
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