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The Bowley skewness, also known as quartile skewness coefficient, is defied by ((Q_3-Q_2)-(Q_2-Q_1))/(Q_3-Q_1)=(Q_1-2Q_2+Q_3)/(Q_3-Q_1), where the Qs denote the interquartile ...
Because of rounding, the stated class limits do not correspond to the actual ranges of data falling in them. For example, if the class limits are 1.00 and 2.00, then all ...
One of the ranges into which data in a frequency distribution table (or histogram) are binned. The ends of a class interval are called class limits, and the middle of an ...
The end values which specify a class interval.
The average of the values of the class limits for a given class. A class mark is also called a midvalue or central value (Kenney and Keeping 1962, p. 14), and is commonly ...
A correction to a discrete binomial distribution to approximate a continuous distribution. P(a<=X<=b) approx P((a-1/2-np)/(sqrt(np(1-p)))<=z<=(b+1/2-np)/(sqrt(np(1-p)))), ...
A distribution of values of a discrete variate represented graphically by plotting points (x_1,f_1), (x_2,f_2), ..., (x_k,f_k), and drawing a set of straight line segments ...
The upper and lower hinges are descriptive statistics of a set of N data values, where N is of the form N=4n+5 with n=0, 1, 2, .... The hinges are obtained by ordering the ...
The kth percentile P_k is that value of x, say x_k, which corresponds to a cumulative frequency of Nk/100, where N is the sample size.
QD=1/2(Q_3-Q_1), where Q_1 and Q_3 are the first and third quartiles and Q_3-Q_1 is the interquartile range.
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