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The wave equation is the important partial differential equation del ^2psi=1/(v^2)(partial^2psi)/(partialt^2) (1) that describes propagation of waves with speed v. The form ...
An equation involving a function f(x) and integrals of that function to solved for f(x). If the limits of the integral are fixed, an integral equation is called a Fredholm ...
The Diophantine equation x^2+k=y^3, which is also an elliptic curve. The general equation is still the focus of ongoing study.
An equation of the form P(x)=0, where P(x) is a polynomial.
The term "biquadratic equation" is sometimes used to as a synonym for quartic equation (Beyer 1987b, p. 34), but perhaps more commonly (e.g., Hazewinkel 1988; Gellert et al. ...
A linear equation is an algebraic equation of the form y=mx+b involving only a constant and a first-order (linear) term, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. The ...
A second-order partial differential equation arising in physics, del ^2psi=-4pirho. If rho=0, it reduces to Laplace's equation. It is also related to the Helmholtz ...
The Frobenius equation is the Diophantine equation a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=b, where the a_i are positive integers, b is an integer, and the solutions x_i are nonnegative ...
The partial differential equation w_t-6(w+epsilon^2w^2)w_x+w_(xxx)=0, which can also be rewritten (w)_t+(-3w^2-2epsilon^2w^3+w_(xx))_x=0.
An natural equation which expresses a curve in terms of its arc length s and tangential angle phi.
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