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41 - 50 of 1015 for Computational AlgorithmsSearch Results
The Cayley-Purser algorithm is a public-key cryptography algorithm that relies on the fact that matrix multiplication is not commutative. It was devised by Sarah Flannery ...
A prime factorization algorithm in which a sequence of trial divisors is chosen using a quadratic sieve. By using quadratic residues of N, the quadratic residues of the ...
The Remez algorithm (Remez 1934), also called the Remez exchange algorithm, is an application of the Chebyshev alternation theorem that constructs the polynomial of best ...
A search algorithm of a tree that explores the first child of a node before visiting its siblings. Tarjan (1972) and Hopcroft and Tarjan (1973) showed that depth-first search ...
An algorithm that can always be used to decide whether a given polynomial is free of zeros in the closed unit disk (or, using an entire linear transformation, to any other ...
A Gröbner basis G for a system of polynomials A is an equivalence system that possesses useful properties, for example, that another polynomial f is a combination of those in ...
The complexity of a process or algorithm is a measure of how difficult it is to perform. The study of the complexity of algorithms is known as complexity theory. In general, ...
A prime factorization algorithm which uses residues produced in the continued fraction of sqrt(mN) for some suitably chosen m to obtain a square number. The algorithm solves ...
An algorithm used to recursively construct a set of objects from the smallest possible constituent parts. Given a set of k integers (a_1, a_2, ..., a_k) with a_1<a_2<...<a_k, ...
There exists no known P algorithm for graph isomorphism testing, although the problem has also not been shown to be NP-complete. In fact, the problem of identifying ...
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