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An almost unit is a nonunit in the integral domain of formal power series with a nonzero first coefficient, P=a_1x+a_2x^2+..., where a_1!=0. Under the operation of ...
A binary operation f(x,y) is an operation that applies to two quantities or expressions x and y. A binary operation on a nonempty set A is a map f:A×A->A such that 1. f is ...
A rewriting of a given quantity (e.g., a matrix) in terms of a combination of "simpler" quantities.
Given a module M over a unit ring R, the set End_R(M) of its module endomorphisms is a ring with respect to the addition of maps, (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x), for all x in M, and the ...
The Diophantine equation x^2+y^2=p can be solved for p a prime iff p=1 (mod 4) or p=2. The representation is unique except for changes of sign or rearrangements of x and y. ...
The homeomorphism group of a topological space X is the set of all homeomorphisms f:X->X, which forms a group by composition.
Let E be a set of expressions representing real, single-valued partially defined functions of one real variable. Let E^* be the set of functions represented by expressions in ...
An invariant series of a group G is a normal series I=A_0<|A_1<|...<|A_r=G such that each A_i<|G, where H<|G means that H is a normal subgroup of G.
A normal series of a group G is a finite sequence (A_0,...,A_r) of normal subgroups such that I=A_0<|A_1<|...<|A_r=G.
An algebraic structure whose elements consist of selected homeomorphisms between open subsets of a space, with the composition of two transformations defined on the largest ...
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