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An approximation for the gamma function Gamma(z+1) with R[z]>0 is given by Gamma(z+1)=sqrt(2pi)(z+sigma+1/2)^(z+1/2)e^(-(z+sigma+1/2))sum_(k=0)^inftyg_kH_k(z), (1) where ...
Let mu(sigma) be the least upper bound of the numbers A such that |zeta(sigma+it)|t^(-A) is bounded as t->infty, where zeta(s) is the Riemann zeta function. Then the Lindelöf ...
The line integral of a vector field F(x) on a curve sigma is defined by int_(sigma)F·ds=int_a^bF(sigma(t))·sigma^'(t)dt, (1) where a·b denotes a dot product. In Cartesian ...
For an infinite population with mean mu, variance sigma^2, skewness gamma_1, and kurtosis excess gamma_2, the corresponding quantities for the distribution of means are ...
The distribution of a product of two normally distributed variates X and Y with zero means and variances sigma_x^2 and sigma_y^2 is given by P_(XY)(u) = ...
Let F(n,sigma) denote the number of permutations on the symmetric group S_n which avoid sigma in S_k as a subpattern, where "tau contains sigma as a subpattern" is ...
The Rayleigh functions sigma_n(nu) for n=1, 2, ..., are defined as sigma_n(nu)=sum_(k=1)^inftyj_(nu,k)^(-2n), where +/-j_(nu,k) are the zeros of the Bessel function of the ...
There exists a positive integer s such that every sufficiently large integer is the sum of at most s primes. It follows that there exists a positive integer s_0>=s such that ...
The standard deviation sigma of a probability distribution is defined as the square root of the variance sigma^2, sigma = sqrt(<x^2>-<x>^2) (1) = sqrt(mu_2^'-mu^2), (2) where ...
Apply Markov's inequality with a=k^2 to obtain P[(x-mu)^2>=k^2]<=(<(x-mu)^2>)/(k^2)=(sigma^2)/(k^2). (1) Therefore, if a random variable x has a finite mean mu and finite ...
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