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For a Galois extension field K of a field F, the fundamental theorem of Galois theory states that the subgroups of the Galois group G=Gal(K/F) correspond with the subfields ...
The multiplicative subgroup of all elements in the product of the multiplicative groups k_nu^× whose absolute value is 1 at all but finitely many nu, where k is a number ...
A function A such that B=del xA. The most common use of a vector potential is the representation of a magnetic field. If a vector field has zero divergence, it may be ...
An algorithm for determining the order of an elliptic curve E/F_p over the finite field F_p.
An extension F of a field K is said to be algebraic if every element of F is algebraic over K (i.e., is the root of a nonzero polynomial with coefficients in K).
The pure equation x^p=C of prime degree p is irreducible over a field when C is a number of the field but not the pth power of an element of the field. Jeffreys and Jeffreys ...
A subfield which is strictly smaller than the field in which it is contained. The field of rationals Q is a proper subfield of the field of real numbers R which, in turn, is ...
A polynomial p(x)=sumc_ix^i is said to split over a field K if p(x)=aproduct_(i)(x-alpha_i) where a and alpha_i are in K. Then the polynomial is said to split into linear ...
An algebraic extension K over a field F is a purely inseparable extension if the algebraic number minimal polynomial of any element has only one root, possibly with ...
The study of valuations which simplifies class field theory and the theory of function fields.
