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A lion and a man in a closed arena have equal maximum speeds. What tactics should the lion employ to be sure of his meal? This problem was stated by Rado in 1925 (Littlewood ...
A particle P is said to be undergoing uniform circular motion if its radius vector in appropriate coordinates has the form (x(t),y(t),0), where x(t) = Rcos(omegat) (1) y(t) = ...
A linear recurrence equation is a recurrence equation on a sequence of numbers {x_n} expressing x_n as a first-degree polynomial in x_k with k<n. For example ...
One baud is defined as the state of a signal in a communication channel changing once per second.
The smallest unit of binary information, equal to a single 0 or 1. Two bits are called a crumb, four bits are called a nibble, and eight bits are called 1 byte.
If S is an infinite set, then the collection F_S={A subset= S:S-A is finite} is a filter called the cofinite (or Fréchet) filter on S.
A space of functions comprising a complete biorthogonal system.
A sentence is called a contingency if its truth table contains at least one 'T' and at least one 'F.'
The set of all edge automorphisms of G, denoted Aut^*(G). Let L(G) be the line graph of a graph G. Then the edge automorphism group Aut^*(G) is isomorphic to Aut(L(G)), ...
A general term which refers to an increase (or decrease in the case of the oxymoron "negative growth") in a given quantity.
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