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The term in logic used to describe the operation commonly known as OR. A literal is considered a (degenerate) disjunction (Mendelson 1997, p. 30). The Wolfram Language ...
An edge automorphism of a graph G is a permutation of the edges of G that sends edges with common endpoint into edges with a common endpoint. The set of all edge ...
The set of all edge automorphisms of G, denoted Aut^*(G). Let L(G) be the line graph of a graph G. Then the edge automorphism group Aut^*(G) is isomorphic to Aut(L(G)), ...
Edge splitting is the reverse of edge contraction.
Define the Euler measure of a polyhedral set as the Euler integral of its indicator function. It is easy to show by induction that the Euler measure of a closed bounded ...
A disjunction that is true if only one, but not both, of its arguments are true, and is false if neither or both are true, which is equivalent to the XOR connective. By ...
Expansion is an affine transformation (sometimes called an enlargement or dilation) in which the scale is increased. It is the opposite of a geometric contraction, and is ...
The term external direct product is used to refer to either the external direct sum of groups under the group operation of multiplication, or over infinitely many spaces in ...
The Cartesian product of a finite or infinite set of modules over a ring with only finitely many nonzero entries in each sequence.
Using a set of corners of a solid that lie in a plane to form the polygon vertices of a new polygon is called faceting. Such polygons may outline new faces that join to ...
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