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The power A^n of a matrix A for n a nonnegative integer is defined as the matrix product of n copies of A, A^n=A...A_()_(n). A matrix to the zeroth power is defined to be the ...
Given a matrix equation Ax=b, the normal equation is that which minimizes the sum of the square differences between the left and right sides: A^(T)Ax=A^(T)b. It is called a ...
The element in the diagonal of a matrix by which other elements are divided in an algorithm such as Gauss-Jordan elimination is called the pivot element. Partial pivoting is ...
The Woodbury formula (A+UV^(T))^(-1)=A^(-1)-[A^(-1)U(I+V^(T)A^(-1)U)^(-1)V^(T)A^(-1)] is a formula that allows a perturbed matrix to be computed for a change to a given ...
The process of taking the complement of a set or truth function. In the latter case, complementation is equivalent to the NOT operation.
A type I Markov move.
A positive-height (outward-pointing) pyramid used in augmentation. The term was introduced by B. Grünbaum.
A section of a graph obtained by finding its intersection with a plane.
To rearrange without cutting or pasting.
A type II Markov move.
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