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Two algebraic objects that are commutative, i.e., A and B such that A*B=B*A for some operation *, are said to commute with each other.
An algorithm is a specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem, usually with the requirement that the procedure terminate at some point. ...
A totalistic cellular automaton is a cellular automata in which the rules depend only on the total (or equivalently, the average) of the values of the cells in a ...
A cumulative product is a sequence of partial products of a given sequence. For example, the cumulative products of the sequence {a,b,c,...}, are a, ab, abc, .... Cumulative ...
If, for n and d integers, the ratio n/d is itself an integer, then d is said to divide n. This relationship is written d|n, read "d divides n." In this case, n is also said ...
An extension ring R subset= S such that every element of S is integral over R.
A letter is an element of an alphabet. A collection of letters forms a word.
If Omega subset= C is a domain and phi:Omega->C is a one-to-one analytic function, then phi(Omega) is a domain, and area(phi(Omega))=int_Omega|phi^'(z)|^2dxdy (Krantz 1999, ...
A specification of elements in a list as a list of pairs giving the element and number of times it occurs in a run. For example, given the list ...
The span of subspace generated by vectors v_1 and v_2 in V is Span(v_1,v_2)={rv_1+sv_2:r,s in R}. A set of vectors m={v_1,...,v_n} can be tested to see if they span ...
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