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A number x is said to have "n figures" if it takes n digits to express it. The number of figures is therefore equal to one more than the power of 10 in the scientific ...
When a number is expressed in scientific notation, the number of significant digits (or significant figures) is the number of digits needed to express the number to within ...
The value of the 2^0 bit in a binary number. For the sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., the least significant bits are therefore the alternating sequence 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, ...
Strang's strange figures are the figures produced by plotting a periodic function f(z) as a function of an integer argument n for n=1, 2, .... Unexpected patterns and ...
Radial line segments whose inward-pointing end produce the illusion of a circle or other figure. The apparent figure has the same color as the background, but appears ...
Let F_0 and F_1 denote two directly similar figures in the plane, where P_1 in F_1 corresponds to P_0 in F_0 under the given similarity. Let r in (0,1), and define ...
Scientific notation is the expression of a number n in the form a×10^p, where p=|_log_(10)|n|_| (1) is the floor of the base-10 logarithm of n (the "order of magnitude"), and ...
Ai(z) and Ai^'(z) have zeros on the negative real axis only. Bi(z) and Bi^'(z) have zeros on the negative real axis and in the sector pi/3<|argz|<pi/2. The nth (real) roots ...
The process of approximating a quantity, be it for convenience or, as in the case of numerical computations, of necessity. If rounding is performed on each of a series of ...
The base-3 method of counting in which only the digits 0, 1, and 2 are used. Ternary numbers arise in a number of problems in mathematics, including some problems of ...
