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In n-dimensional Lorentzian space R^n=R^(1,n-1), the light cone C^(n-1) is defined to be the subset consisting of all vectors x=(x_0,x_1,...,x_(n-1)) (1) whose squared ...
Maxwell's equations are the system of partial differential equations describing classical electromagnetism and therefore of central importance in physics. In the so-called ...
The term used in propositional calculus for the NAND connective. The notation A|B is used for this connective, a most unfortunate choice in light of modern usage of A|B or ...
The curve which is the envelope of reflected (catacaustic) or refracted (diacaustic) rays of a given curve for a light source at a given point (known as the radiant point).
An optical illusion consisting of a spinnable top marked in black with the pattern shown above. When the wheel is spun (especially slowly), the black broken lines appear as ...
Sinai billiards is the reflection of a ray of light by an arrangement of perfectly reflecting circles in the plane (Trott 2004, pp. 28-30). The path is extremely sensitive to ...
The surface corresponding to the region of obscuration when a solid is illuminated from a point light source (located at the radiant point). A disk is the shadow of a sphere ...
A nonzero vector v=(v_0,v_1,...,v_(n-1)) in n-dimensional Lorentzian space R^(1,n-1) is said to be negative lightlike if it has zero (Lorentzian) norm and if its first ...
A nonzero vector v=(v_0,v_1,...,v_(n-1)) in n-dimensional Lorentzian space R^(1,n-1) is said to be positive lightlike if it has zero (Lorentzian) norm and if its first ...
A one-person game played on a rectangular lattice of lamps which can be turned on and off. A move consists of flipping a "switch" inside one of the squares, thereby toggling ...
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