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A section of a solid is the plane figure cut from the solid by passing a plane through it (Kern and Bland 1948, p. 18).
The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric ...
An ellipsoidal section is the curve formed by the intersection of a plane with an ellipsoid. An ellipsoidal section is always an ellipse.
The golden ratio conjugate, also called the silver ratio, is the quantity Phi = 1/phi (1) = phi-1 (2) = 2/(1+sqrt(5)) (3) = (sqrt(5)-1)/2 (4) = 0.6180339887... (5) (OEIS ...
A golden rhombohedron is a rhombohedron whose faces consist of congruent golden rhombi. Golden rhombohedra are therefore special cases of a trigonal trapezohedron as well as ...
A golden isozonohedron is a zonohedron all of whose faces are golden rhombi. There exist exactly five golden isozonohedra, as summarized in the following table. face count ...
The golden gnomon is the obtuse isosceles triangle whose ratio of side to base lengths is given by 1/phi=phi-1, where phi is the golden ratio. Such a triangle has angles of ...
A golden rhombus is a rhombus whose diagonals are in the ratio p/q=phi, where phi is the golden ratio. The faces of the acute golden rhombohedron, Bilinski dodecahedron, ...
A section of a graph obtained by finding its intersection with a plane.
A spheroidal section is the curve formed by the intersection of a plane with a spheroid. A spheroidal section is either a circle (for planes parallel to an equator, i.e., ...
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