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Let L=(L, ^ , v ) and K=(K, ^ , v ) be lattices, and let h:L->K. If K=L and h is a join-homomorphism, then we call h a join-endomorphism.
A topological space fulfilling the T0-separation axiom: For any two points x,y in X, there is an open set U such that x in U and y not in U or y in U and x not in U. ...
Let a sequence {a_i}_(i=1)^infty be strictly increasing and composed of nonnegative integers. Call A(x) the number of terms not exceeding x. Then the density is given by ...
The trimean is defined to be TM=1/4(H_1+2M+H_2), where H_i are the hinges and M is the statistical median. Press et al. (1992) call this Tukey's trimean. It is an L-estimate.
The vertical axis of a two-dimensional plot in Cartesian coordinates. Physicists and astronomers sometimes call this axis the ordinate, although that term is more commonly ...
For {M_i}_(i in I) a family of R-modules indexed by a directed set I, let sigma_(ij):M_i->M_j i<=j be an R-module homomorphism. Call (M_i,sigma_(ij)) a direct system over I ...
If L^~ is a linear operator on a function space, then f is an eigenfunction for L^~ and lambda is the associated eigenvalue whenever L^~f=lambdaf. Renteln and Dundes (2005) ...
Two matrices A and B are equal to each other, written A=B, if they have the same dimensions m×n and the same elements a_(ij)=b_(ij) for i=1, ..., n and j=1, ..., m. ...
For {M_i}_(i in I) a family of R-modules indexed by a directed set I, let sigma_(ji):M_j->M_i i<=j be an R-module homomorphism. Call (M_i,sigma_(ji)) an inverse system over I ...
Consider three squares erected externally on the sides of a triangle DeltaABC. Call the centers of these squares O_A, O_B, and O_C, respectively. Then the lines AO_A, BO_B, ...
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