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The functions (also called the circular functions) comprising trigonometry: the cosecant cscx, cosine cosx, cotangent cotx, secant secx, sine sinx, and tangent tanx. However, ...
Integrals of the form intf(costheta,sintheta)dtheta (1) can be solved by making the substitution z=e^(itheta) so that dz=ie^(itheta)dtheta and expressing costheta = ...
Angle addition formulas express trigonometric functions of sums of angles alpha+/-beta in terms of functions of alpha and beta. The fundamental formulas of angle addition in ...
Trigonometric identities which prove useful in the construction of map projections include (1) where A^' = A-C (2) B^' = 2B-4D (3) C^' = 4C (4) D^' = 8D. (5) ...
Power formulas include sin^2x = 1/2[1-cos(2x)] (1) sin^3x = 1/4[3sinx-sin(3x)] (2) sin^4x = 1/8[3-4cos(2x)+cos(4x)] (3) and cos^2x = 1/2[1+cos(2x)] (4) cos^3x = ...
The inverse trigonometric functions are the inverse functions of the trigonometric functions, written cos^(-1)z, cot^(-1)z, csc^(-1)z, sec^(-1)z, sin^(-1)z, and tan^(-1)z. ...
Oloa (2010, pers. comm., Jan. 20, 2010) has considered the following integrals containing nested radicals of 1/2 plus terms in theta^2 and ln^2costheta: R_n^- = (1) R_n^+ = ...
A system of equations is any set of simultaneous equations.
The system of ordinary differential equations u^' = A+u^2v-(B+1)u (1) v^' = Bu-u^2v (2) (Hairer et al. 1987, p. 112; Zwillinger 1997, p. 136). The so-called full Brusselator ...
The system of ordinary differential equations X^. = sigma(Y-X) (1) Y^. = rX-Y-XZ (2) Z^. = XY-bZ. (3)
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