A generalization of calculus of variations which draws the relationship between the stationary points of a smooth real-valued
function on a manifold and the global topology of the
manifold. For example, if a compact
manifold admits a function whose only stationary points are a maximum and a minimum,
then the manifold is a sphere. Technically speaking, Morse
theory applied to a function on a manifold
shows that every bordism
can be realized as a finite sequence of surgeries. Conversely,
a sequence of surgeries gives a bordism.
There are a number of classical applications of Morse theory, including counting geodesics on a Riemann surface and determination of the topology of a Lie group (Bott 1960, Milnor 1963). Morse theory has received much attention in the last two decades as a result of the paper by Witten (1982) which relates Morse theory to quantum field theory and also directly connects the stationary points of a smooth function to differential forms on the manifold.