
LCF Notation

LCF notation is a concise and convenient notation devised by Joshua Lederberg (winner of the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine) for the representation of cubic Hamiltonian graphs (Lederberg 1965). The notation was subsequently modified by Frucht (1976) and Coxeter et al. (1981), and hence was dubbed "LCF notation" by Frucht (1976). Pegg (2003) used the notation to describe many of the cubic symmetric graphs. The notation only applies to Hamiltonian graphs, since it achieves its symmetry and conciseness by placing a Hamiltonian cycle in a circular embedding and then connecting specified pairs of nodes with edges.


For example, the notation [3,-3]^4 describes the cubical graph illustrated above. To see how this works, begin with the cycle graph C_8. Beginning with a vertex v_1, count three vertices clockwise (+3) to v_4 and connect it to v_1 with an edge. Now advance to v_2, count three vertices counterclockwise (-3) to vertex v_7, and connect v_2 and v_7 with an edge. This is one iteration of the process [3,-3], which is then repeated three more times (for a total of four, corresponding to the exponent of [3,-3]^4) until the original vertex is reached, thus giving the graph represented by [3,-3]^4. Note that the graph is actually traversed two times in this process since each edge is constructed twice, once in each direction.

The LCF notation for a given graph is not unique, since it may be shifted any number of positions to the left or right, or may be reversed (with a corresponding sign change of the entries to correspond to the fact that the numbering of the outer cycle must be done in the opposite order as well). In addition, for a graph with more than one Hamiltonian cycle, different choices are possible for which cycle is mapped to the outer cycle.


As a result, depending on the structure of Hamiltonian cycles, a single graph may have several different LCF notations with different exponents corresponding to different embeddings. Furthermore, inequivalent notations with the same exponent may also exist. For example, the cubic vertex-transitive graph on 18 nodes illustrated above has the four LCF notations [5,-5]^9, [-7,7]^9, [-7,-5,5,-5,5,7]^3, [-7,-5,7,-5,9,5,9,5,9]^2, and [-7, -5, 5, 9, -5, 5, 9, -5, 5, 7, -5, 7, 9, -5, 5, 9, -7, 5].

The following table gives the simplest (i.e., shortest) LCF notations for named cubic Hamiltonian graphs on 20 or fewer nodes. Here, F_n denotes a cubic symmetric graph on n nodes.

See also

Cubic Graph, Cubic Symmetric Graph, Hamiltonian Graph

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Coxeter, H. S. M.; Frucht, R.; and Powers, D. L. Zero-Symmetric Graphs: Trivalent Graphical Regular Representations of Groups. New York: Academic Press, 1981.Frucht, R. "A Canonical Representation of Trivalent Hamiltonian Graphs." J. Graph Th. 1, 45-60, 1976.Grünbaum, B. Convex Polytopes. New York: Wiley, pp. 362-364, 1967.Lederberg, J. "DENDRAL-64: A System for Computer Construction, Enumeration and Notation of Organic Molecules as Tree Structures and Cyclic Graphs. Part II. Topology of Cyclic Graphs." Interim Report to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Grant NsG 81-60. December 15, 1965., E. Jr. "Math Games: Cubic Symmetric Graphs." Dec. 30, 2003.

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LCF Notation

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Weisstein, Eric W. "LCF Notation." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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