The circumsphere of given set of points, commonly the vertices of a solid, is a sphere that passes through all the points. A circumsphere
does not always exist, but when it does, its radius is called the circumradius
and its center the circumcenter. The circumsphere
is the 3-dimensional generalization of the circumcircle.
The figures above depict the circumspheres of the Platonic solids.
The circumsphere is implemented in the Wolfram Language as Circumsphere[pts], where pts is a list of points, or Circumsphere[poly], where poly is a Polygon (giving a two-dimensional circumcircle) or Polyhedron (giving a three-dimensional circumsphere) object.
By analogy with the equation of the circumcircle, the equation for the circumsphere of the tetrahedron
with polygon vertices for
, ..., 4 is
Expanding the determinant,
is the determinant obtained from the
by discarding the
column (and taking a plus sign) and similarly for
(this time taking the minus sign) and
(again taking the plus sign)
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is given by
Completing the square gives
which is a sphere of the form
with circumcenter
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and circumradius