A block is a maximal connected subgraph of a given graph that has no articulation
vertex (West 2000, p. 155). If a block has more than two vertices, then
it is biconnected. The blocks of a loopless graph are its isolated
points, bridges, and maximal 2-connected subgraphs
(West 2000, p. 155; Gross and Yellen 2006, p. 241). Examples of graphs
with their corresponding blocks due to Harary (1994, p. 26) and West (2000,
p. 155) are illustrated above.
If a graph is connected
and has no articulation vertices, then
itself is called a block (Harary 1994,
p. 26; West 2000, p. 155).
Blocks arise in graph theoretical problems such as finding unit-distance graphs and the graph genus of connected graphs. For example, a connected graph is unit-distance if and only if each of its blocks is unit-distance and the graph coarseness of a graph is the sum of the coarsenesses of its blocks.