Apéry's constant is defined by
(OEIS A002117) where is the Riemann zeta
function. Apéry (1979) proved that
is irrational,
although it is not known if it is transcendental.
Sorokin (1994) and Nesterenko (1996) subsequently constructed independent proofs
for the irrationality of
(Hata 2000). Apéry's proof involved use of the
continued fraction
(Raayoni 2021, Elimelech et al. 2023).
arises naturally in a number of
physical problems, including in the second- and third-order terms of the electron's
gyromagnetic ratio, computed using quantum electrodynamics.
The following table summarizes progress in computing upper bounds on the irrationality measure for .
Here, the exact values for
is given by
| |||
(Hata 2000).
upper bound | reference | |
1 | 5.513891 | Rhin and Viola (2001) |
2 | 8.830284 | Hata (1990) |
3 | 12.74359 | Dvornicich and Viola (1987) |
4 | 13.41782 | Apéry (1979), Sorokin (1994), Nesterenko (1996), Prévost (1996) |
Beukers (1979) reproduced Apéry's rational approximation to using the triple integral of the form
is a Legendre polynomial. Beukers's integral
is given by
a result that is a special case of what is known as Hadjicostas's formula.
This integral is closely related to using the curious identity
| |||
is a generalized harmonic number and
is a polygamma function
(Hata 2000).
Sums related to
| |||
(used by Apéry), the related sum
as first proved by G. Huvent in 2002 (Gourevitch) and rediscovered by B. Cloitre (pers. comm., Oct. 8, 2004), and
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
is the Dirichlet lambda function. The
above equations are special cases of a general result due to Ramanujan (Berndt 1985).
Apéry's constant is given by an infinite family BBP-type formulas of the form
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
(E. W. Weisstein, Feb. 25, 2006), and the amazing two special sums
| |||
Determining a sum of this type is given as an exercise by Bailey et al. (2007, p. 225; typo corrected).
A beautiful double series for is given by
is a harmonic number (O. Oloa, pers. comm.,
Dec. 30, 2005).
Apéry's proof relied on showing that the sum
is a binomial coefficient, satisfies the
recurrence relation
(van der Poorten 1979, Zeilberger 1991). The characteristic polynomial
has roots
is irrational and
cannot satisfy a two-term recurrence (Jin and Dickinson 2000).
Apéry's constant is also given by
is a Stirling number of the first kind.
This can be rewritten as
| |||
is the
harmonic number (Castellanos 1988).
Amdeberhan (1996) used Wilf-Zeilberger pairs with
to obtain
For ,
(Boros and Moll 2004, p. 236; Amdeberhan 1996), and for ,
(Amdeberhan 1996). The corresponding for
and 2 are
Amdeberhan and Zeilberger (1997) used a Wilf-Zeilberger pair identity with
, and
, to obtain the rapidly converging series
which was used to compute to 1 million decimal digits. Campbell (2022) used the WZ
method to obtain
Integrals for include
| |||
Gosper (1990) gave
A continued fraction involving Apéry's constant is
(Apéry 1979, Le Lionnais 1983).
is related to the Glaisher-Kinkelin
and polygamma function
Gosper (1996) expressed as the matrix product
which gives 12 bits per term. The first few terms are
| |||
| |||
which gives
Given three integers chosen at random, the probability that no common factor will divide them all is