
Hypergeometric Series

A hypergeometric series sum_(k)c_k is a series for which c_0=1 and the ratio of consecutive terms is a rational function of the summation index k, i.e., one for which


with P(k) and Q(k) polynomials. In this case, c_k is called a hypergeometric term (Koepf 1998, p. 12). The functions generated by hypergeometric series are called hypergeometric functions or, more generally, generalized hypergeometric functions. If the polynomials are completely factored, the ratio of successive terms can be written


where the factor of k+1 in the denominator is present for historical reasons of notation, and the resulting generalized hypergeometric function is written

 _pF_q[a_1 a_2 ... a_p; b_1 b_2 ... b_q;x]=sum_(k=0)c_kx^k.

If p=2 and q=1, the function becomes a traditional hypergeometric function _2F_1(a,b;c;x).

Many sums can be written as generalized hypergeometric functions by inspections of the ratios of consecutive terms in the generating hypergeometric series.

See also

Binomial Sums, Generalized Hypergeometric Function, Geometric Series, Hypergeometric Function, Hypergeometric Identity, Hypergeometric Term

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Ishkhanyan, T. "Hypergeometric Functions: From Euler to Appell and Beyond." Jan. 25, 2024., W. Hypergeometric Summation: An Algorithmic Approach to Summation and Special Function Identities. Braunschweig, Germany: Vieweg, 1998.Petkovšek, M.; Wilf, H. S.; and Zeilberger, D. "Hypergeometric Series," "How to Identify a Series as Hypergeometric," and "Software That Identifies Hypergeometric Series." §3.2-3.4 in A=B. Wellesley, MA: A K Peters, pp. 34-42, 1996.

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Hypergeometric Series

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Hypergeometric Series." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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